"LinkedIn is the most powerful social networking site to help you grow your business. It makes Twitter, Facebook and YouTube seem like social networking sites for kids.
If you want to hang with the big players—a place where connections are made, leads are generated, and deals go down—then you need to spend more of your time on LinkedIn." Written by Lewis Howes
Many clients have asked for my help lately with social media. Each having significantly more questions than answers which is to be expected. However, it wasn't until I read this article that I realized just how overlooked LinkedIn is with most if not all of my clients and prospects. Everyone wants to talk about Twitter and FaceBook but should we be spending more time with LinkedIn?
I have always had a theory that when people come to work in very casual clothing, that they are not as focused on their job. It kind of feels like working on a Saturday morning... I know for myself, when I dress in my best I have a different mind set. Much more intensely focused and determine. Does that same psychological affect apply when I am networking in LinkedIn vs. FaceBook? Do I have my business hat on when I am in LinkedIn vs. my social hat in FaceBook?
I'd be very interested to gather opinions on this. Quite frankly, I'm not sure what my stance is on this yet but I can tell you that I plan on elevating my activity level in LinkedIn. Thoughts?
Anthony, my view is that there is a wide difference between Facebook and Linkedin - almost (in my view) like comparing apples to oranges.
For me- facebook is fun... as you put it.. casual clothes on a saturday. Linkedin is business - not nothing but. Some may disagree and on a B2C level.. they could be right. Fan pages that interact with customers can be powerful and fun.
Yet, I am not fully convinced that Linkedin is a great site for business. It's ok... better than FB and a step above twitter. And yet this may be because I do not really know how to exploit the full power of Linkedin to build my business. I get more leads from professional networking and networks, some from Linkedin Answers and even twitter. BUT this lead gen... not social networking... ??? good question - look forward to other responses...
Check out the end of this article in eMarketer: http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007534 LinkedIn works better than the company blog for lead gen.
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