Sunday, March 26, 2006

Let's Get Local

Google Seeks Patent for Targeting Ads on Wi-Fi Hotspots:
"Location-based search, especially for mobile users, has broad implications for content providers and advertisers. Geographically targeting users at such a precise level could benefit local advertisers especially, or those that have products that might be available locally. Marketers could also use profiles of the neighborhood as a basis for targeting ads. "

Geo-targeting is beginning to play a role in more and more of my client's marketing campaigns. This idea from Google gets the wheels spinning with multiple possibilities. Not only can you geo-target by the access point, having the ability to target someone specifically at a Starbucks or maybe even someone at an airport. This capability really gives you the opportunity to hit primary demographics.

This capability may also encourage more companies to offer free or discounted Wi-Fi. Franchises like McDonald's and BK should maybe consider creating an atmosphere that encourages customers to hang out more and sit a while. Have that second bag of fries and surf the web.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Why You Don't Rank on Search Engines

Why You Don't Rank on Search Engines:
"'Why would anyone want to link to my site?' Be brutal. Write down as many reasons as you can about why other sites should link to you. If you can't convince yourself another site would want to link to you, you seriously need to question what your value proposition is and how your site promotes it (or not, as the case may be)."

As someone responsible for bringing in new business, I find myself conflicted when sitting in front of a prospect who is telling me that they want to rank high in the search engines. This article is really spot on! What do you have on your site that would make someone want to link to you? Just because you sell more widgets than the next company is not compelling. Not only that, it is not a web strategy either. Why don't more organizations build their web sites to contain the same type of information that we all want to find when we surf the web?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

How Not to Work With an SEO/SEM Firm

I read this article a while ago and wanted to blog on this topic for some time. I love this part of the article where the prospect actually believes they have the right to be listed on top of the SERP due to their brand strength.

How Not to Work With an SEO/SEM Firm:

"I once asked a prospect if he felt entitled to be on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Los Angles Times every day -- without the need to follow any publication guidelines. Unfortunately, he said, 'Of course I do. Who wouldn't?' I chose not to work with this person. If he had unrealistic expectations about appearing in major newspapers, he had unrealistic expectations about appearing in major search engines."

Believe it or not, this is extremely common. Some companies actually believe that search engines should rank them first just based purely on their market leadership. While I don't also agree with this author, I do agree with the statement that rankings have to be earned. I also believe that if you are in fact a market leader in your vertical, your behavior in terms of how you represent yourself on the web should reflect as such.

Achieving success in natural search (SEO) continues to be a moving target and requires dedication, especially if you want to stay on the first page. Working closely with your IT department is critical and as a marketing person, you need to have some pull when it comes to getting your SEO recommendations implemented as a priority.

Search engine visibility plays a role in almost all business and consumer buying decisions these days. Marketers need to embrace this and develop a strategy to get on Page 1 and stay there. My company recently won a piece of web development business which all started by appearing on the first page of Google for the key phrase "natural listings".

Never under estimate the power of SEO!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

How to Cope With SEM Staffing Shortages, Part 1

How to Cope With SEM Staffing Shortages, Part 1: "If you opt to build an internal team to manage search, you probably won't be able to find one person with all the skills necessary to execute a best-of-breed campaign, even with help from the search engine account staff. "

Yes, this article is written by the CEO of a company that provides search services. And yes, his company as well as mine, will profit from the outsourcing of search. That said, please go ahead and read this article and I am sure you will recognize the issues if you have tried to do search in house. For 3 years I have been saying that it is more than just technology. People make the biggest difference. I even wrote on this a few months ago on my blog Click Here

The shortage of talented search professionals will be growing issue in 2006. Better find that SEM firm before the management fees start rising. APZ

TV Advertising, Search, and the Google Cube

TV Advertising, Search, and the Google Cube: "TV and search are inexorably linked and may become more so in the future."

This is one of my favorite topics lately. The impact of TV advertising on search. I have seen numerous instances of search programs being effected significantly by television. This article brings up a few good points on the need to make sure your search program is aware of the media schedule for television.

Integration will be more than just a buzz word in 2006. If you are an interactive marketing manager, you would do well to make sure your search program is sync'd up with your company's offline advertising. Good luck... APZ

An SEM Diet for the New Year?

I was attracted to the article (link below) mostly due to the title. Something about the new year that makes me feel like I can start fresh and improve on the areas of my life and forget all my past mistakes. I wish it were that simple.

If you are thinking about making 2006 the year you get your act together and leverage search engine marketing, please DON'T start by reading this article. The author sends you right to your log files to see what keywords are driving the most traffic to your site. Chances are, this is a very limited sample and if it isn't then you probably don't have effective search marketing on your news year's to do list.

I would use a few other tools for keyword analysis. In addition to the suggestion tools at the engines themselves, I would like at the searching being done on my site for keyword possibilities. What are users looking for when they get to your site? The rest of the ideas in the article are pretty basic but you won't get much out of this unless you are just starting out. APZ

An SEM Diet for the New Year?