Monday, July 12, 2004

Search: A Brand Campaign Tool?

Finally, someone realizing that search engines can be a branding vehicle. I would greatly appreciate other view points on this. Enjoy the article...

Search: A Brand Campaign Tool?:

"The current argument is search has branding value. Some publishers and core search agencies push this thought to ensure they participate in the current surge of major brand marketers converting TV dollars to online efforts. I applaud their salesmanship. But this thinking seems to put the cart before the horse. Just because a client is reallocating its media mix to better reach its target doesn't mean a good set of keywords will help replace a few gross rating points (GRPs).
Does a client's name or product name in a search box constitute a 'brand moment'? On some level, everything we do for a client supports the brand, even direct response efforts such as search. But it's degree and level of connection, large or small, varies by tactic. So, yes, search does affect a brand. Question is: How much?"

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